Interactive Speaker

Philippe Cleuziat graduated as PhD in Molecular Microbiology from Claude Bernard University of Lyon in 1992 and holds a Master of Science in Biochemistry from the INSA Engineering School, France. He is currently Research Program Director within the Clinical Unit of bioMérieux and manages projects dedicated to new technologies for diagnosis of infectious diseases and microbe-related pathologies, leveraging on partnerships to accelerate emergence of innovative products, systems and services. Philippe Cleuziat recently contributed to the foundation and launch of Bioaster, a Technology Institute in microbiology, as Director of Research Programs and Portfolio. He was previously Innovation Programs Director at Institut Mérieux and coordinated personalized medicine transversal programs in the fields of infectious diseases, cancer, and rare genetic disorders. He has held various senior positions in R&D Departments of companies, SMEs and public-private joint laboratories, is co-author of more than 20 scientific publications and filed more than 18 patent applications