Chairman of FEFIS, Fédération Française des Industries de Santé & Vice President International Relations
Thursday 25th of January 09:30 - 10:30
Mr. Belingard graduated from HEC Paris (1971), and he holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Cornell University, U.S.A. (1974).
Mr. Belingard has 40 years of managerial experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including Merck & Co., Roche Diagnostics as Chief Executive Officer (1990-1998), bioMerieux-Pierre Fabre as co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (1999-2001), Ipsen Group (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 2002-2010), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of bioMérieux, the worldwide leader of the in vitro diagnostics (2011-2014), Chairman of bioMérieux (2011-2017).
Mr. Belingard has been Chairman of “FEFIS”, the French Federation of Health Industries (Fédération Française des Industries de Santé) since 2016.
Mr. Belingard has been Vice President of Institut Mérieux since 2010 and is in charge of Strategy and Institutional Relations.